So I've Heard

On Work & Career

You break expectations by changing what someone’s already used to. You change expectations by giving them something new. Understanding the difference is key to product design.

- Jason Friedman -

On Work & Career

“A writer needs three things: experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which at times any one of which, can supply the lack of the others.”

- William Faulkner -

On Work & Career

“A key to creativity is to pursue knowledge without a sense of whether it will be relevant in the future.  Too often, people assume that they can judge in advance what they need to understand and what they do not.  Instead, creative people build up their knowledge base so that they will be ready for the opportunities that come later.”

- Unknown -

On Work & Career

“Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.”

- Robin S. Sharma -

On Work & Career

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”

- Winston Churchill -

On Work & Career

I don’t mean run to a goal or a destination. There are no goals and you realize this around the age of thirty or so. I mean just ‘run’. You build up your blood vessels. More oxygen gets to the brain. You get smarter. Life is better. And you’ll see more in life than the people who are walking. Who take their time failing. Who take their time waiting for the right moment…there’s never a right moment. So just run to get there.”

- James Altuche -

On Work & Career

“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.” 

- Earl Nightingale -

On Work & Career

“To create is, first and foremost, to create time.”

- Achille Mbembe -